School Council
Our School Council allows the voice of students throughout the school to be heard.
Our Current School Councillors are serving for two terms. All councillors are elected by pupils from their respective classes in an election that takes place every two years for Key Stage 2 and every year for Key Stage 1.
As a School Council, we meet up every term to discuss various ideas and suggestions that can improve our school. At these meeting we usually have an agenda unless it’s an emergency meeting.
In addition to the agenda we also discuss any concerns, suggestions or any other business from our pupil voice boxes that are situated in every class.
Prayer Leaders
Our prayer leaders in school lead on our daily prayers in their classes as well as supporting with leading on acts of prayer and liturgy with the wider school such as praying the rosary.
They are responsible for ensuring that our reflections after acts of worship are collated and that we evaluate all acts of worship in school.
They have an understanding of the liturgical year and will check all our prayer dedication areas in classes and the wider school demonstrate the season of the church and the traditions and prayer intentions of the church and Pope Francis.
Some of our prayer leaders are below:
Eco Team
The members of the Eco Team have been elected by our classes to help improve the environment in school and to help with issues in the wider world.
We will also be running campaigns each term to raise awareness of issues affecting our world and what we can do to make a difference. We each need to take action to help protect the wonderful world we live in.
We will keep you updated about our campaigns and hope that you will all join us in our mission.
Mini Vinnies
Our Mini Vinnies meet after school each week, in the spirit and example of St Vincent De Paul, to plan, prepare and lead on initiatives that help the most vulnerable and in need in our community and wider world.
Living out the Catholic Social Teaching of 'The Option for the Poor and the Vulnerable', the Mini Vinnies carefully choose the groups and/or charities that they feel are in need of support. They take the lead on fundraising events, raising awareness and even acts of kindness that spreads God's love and mercy and compassion to all.
Here are some of our dedicated team:
Junior and Senior PCSOs
Children at our school were unable to contain their excitement when they were given permission to start the Junior PCSO training at St Philip’s.
Although many of the pupils were shy, lacking confidence and were apprehensive - we could see the eagerness and hunger in getting to work with West Midlands Police and this new scheme. The programme has been overseen by PC Jo Dakin and PCSO Jayne Evans.
With consent from their parents, children and two staff members have had hands on training about addressing issues that affect St Philip’s school ranging from Parking, littering in and around the school, anti-social behaviour in the surrounding community, fly tipping etc.
During the five weeks we’ve seen our children growing with confidence, sharing experiences both positive and negative, and confiding in their Jnr PCSO team. Parent’s shared in their support towards the programme by attending the special awards assembly.
It is no wonder that we can’t wait to start going on duty to committing to making our school and community safe. By being involved in the project it reminds us of our school mission statement: of ‘Learning and working together thorough Christ’.
by Mr L Padotan, Community Cohesion Officer
Sandwell Safeguarding Champions
These are some of our responsibilities as SSC’s:
Playground Buddies
As a school we have listened to our parents and pupils concerns, and we know that bullying is a serious concern to all. We have asked our pupils and parents for their ideas to tackle some of these issues. One of the suggestions was to have a Playground Buddy System.
Children applied for Buddy jobs and had to get parent and teacher support in their applications. We have trained our Buddies to deal with various issues that were highlighted in our suggestion boxes and questionnaire to parent - Playground Buddies assist newly arrived children, identify and stop bullying in school and are there as friends for all children. They have duty timetables and take their jobs very serious.
We have termly meetings to discuss any concerns when they are on duty and also talk about what is working well and what needs to be improved.
Some of our playground buddies are:
The Mission Team
In school, our Mission Team prepare for acts of worship. They monitor and evaluate the catholic ethos and environment of our school. They support teachers with the prayer focuses in class and uphold the prominence of our faith. The Mission Team make suggestions for improvements to our school such as suggesting the fonts in the hall for entering acts of worship. Some of our Mission Team members are:
Digital Leaders
Mrs Davidson guides our digital leaders in school who support their peers and teachers with using technology safely and accessing the Computing curriculum.
They are enthusiastic about their role in school and are very keen to help.
Some of our digital leaders are having a meeting below:
St. Philip's prefects check their classes presentation points each week and encourage their classmates to follow and uphold the uniform policy. The class with the most points each week have the presentation trophy in their class for the next week to celebrate.
They monitor areas around school, such as corridors and stairs and let staff on duty know who has been following the 'St. Philip's Way' of 'Fantastic Walking'.
Here are a couple of our prefects:
Rainbow Warriors
Here are some of our Rainbow Warriors in school.