What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium is additional Government funding to raise achievement amongst disadvantaged children. It is to help schools to close the gap between children from low income/disadvantaged families and others.
Pupil Premium is for pupils from Reception to Year 11 who are from low income families and are eligible for Free School Meals. Any child that has been registered for Free School Meals over the past six years is eligible. Any children who are 'looked after' or whose parents are in the armed forces are included and also attract another source of funding per child per term for the school to use to support.
At St. Philip's we have used pupil premium to enable us to employ more teaching assistants across the school so that we can provide more in-class support, booster tuition in Year 2 and 6, 1-1 tuition or group interventions where appropriate across the curriculum.
Our aim is to give the best possible life chances to all our pupils by providing extra support to enable each child to make the best progress possible towards attaining levels 4, 5 and 6 by the end of Key Stage 2.
We have also used Pupil Premium to:
We hope that this information helps you to understand the background to Pupil Premium and how as a school it is spent for the benefit of all. It is very important that if you are eligible you register with us for Free School Meals.
We cannot emphasise enough the importance of registering with us for Free School Meals if your children are eligible.
Letters of Congratulations
We have received letters from the Rt Hon David Laws MP, Minister of State for Schools, congratulating us on the performance of our disadvantaged pupils in the national performance tables: