Teamworx is a programme that is currently in place to stop pupils from being involved in criminal activity and to help prevent them from being victims of criminality.
There are different Teamworx Bootcamps targeting different areas of concern and different children, for example pupils close to exclusion, children who have had adverse childhood experiences and many more.
Teamworx is run and managed by various Services mainly West Midlands Police, West Midlands Fire Services, Sandwell Youth Services, Sandwell Council, Sandwell Leisure and other external providers. All of these services work with staff from various schools that identify youngsters that would benefit from specific programs.
Parents are invited to an induction session where they are introduced to staff as well as deliverers, sponsors etc. At these session questions are answered that children or parents may have. Parents, staff and the children have to complete pre, post evaluations to monitors progress. These are also completed six months after completing the programme to evaluate and check participants. Various stake holders visit participants at school to further support and encourage progress and success.
The aims of Teamworx are to raise aspirations, improving confidence, and preventing entry into the criminal justice system as a victim or offender.
Ground rules: as individuals we are all unique, problem solving as a team, active listening, showing respect and improving leadership, not to give up without persevering.
Every session within the 6-8 week programme will cover different fundamental skills that will be taught or covered during various fun, safe sometimes scary activities. At Sandwell leisure children learn to assess situations before diving head first, not considering consequences – pupils are than expected to return to school and try to practice this at school. Sportsmanship, fair play are other important skills but participating and trying is vital and often the most important.
Teamworx also focuses on the nurturing aspect of young people. Youngsters depending on the specific programme will visit the local PDSA, local farms (Forge Mill Farm, Sandwell Valley Farm), stables and here learn about the importance of caring, understanding of pets and the environment. Children get a hands on experience of interacting with animals and nature.
After every outing or session participants have to complete a questionnaire and evaluate the activity, write and record what they have benefitted or not from the session and weather they enjoyed it or would like to improve aspects of sessions.