
Black History Month

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

On Friday 19th October, Mrs Hinton led a thoughtful assembly that focused on Black History Month.

The children learnt about many inspirational black people throughout history and the children also offered their thoughts following the work that they have completed throughout October.

The mission team also did a great job of preparing the prayer focus!

Parents were invited and one commented, “It was a great assembly, I really enjoyed it.”

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

During the Macmillan coffee morning on Friday 19th October, we raised a superb £180!

Thank you so much to everyone in our school community who donated and bought cakes at this wonderful event.

Welcome to our new blog!

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Hello everyone, and welcome to St. Philip’s new Blog, where we will be sharing photos, events and snippets of news with you on a regular basis.

Come back and visit us often!

Emmaus CMAC
St Philip's Catholic Primary School Ofsted
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