
Black History Month

Thursday, 22 October 2020

During Black History Month, each class in school has chosen an icon to research and learn about before creating an iMovie presentation for the rest of the school to view throughout this week in school. Our classes have focussed on the following icons of black history – Mo Farah, Floella Benjamin, Rosa Parks, Barack Obama, Pablo Fanque, Wangari Maathail, Maya Angelou and George Washington Carver. One child in Year 5 commented, “It has been so great to learn about the many black icons throughout history, I have learnt so much this month!”

Thank you, Lord, for those who have been willing to share their gifts and love with us.

Collective Worship

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

As we are unable to join as a whole school or phase currently, each Wednesday our mission team and prayer leaders plan and lead Collective Worship in their classes. The children have made us very proud with their deep thought and care when preparing to lead collective worship and are demonstrating great commitment to their faith.

Below are some examples of the activities that are children have taken part in following their prayer service.

Well done children!

October Devotions

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

During the month of October the children have been dedicating their prayer services to pray and learn about the mysteries of the Rosary.

October is one of the months that we dedicate to Our Lady and during this month the children have been learning about a different mysteries in the life of Mary and Jesus.

The children are really enjoying listening and learning about the mysteries and taking some quiet time for prayer during the busy day in school.

Black History Month

Bikeability 2020

Monday, 12 October 2020

Well done to our first group of Year 5 children who took part in their Bikeability training on Tuesday 6th October. The children listened well and passed with flying colours – even in some tricky weather! There are more groups to take part over the next few weeks when we will once again welcome our highly skilled trainers back into school. Well done Bikeability group 1, and remember to take it safe and steady when riding your bike!

Virtual Gospel Assembly

Monday, 12 October 2020

Each Monday in school, we continue to join as a school community virtually to share Sunday’s Gospel.

Mrs Hinton or Mr Wilkes share the Gospel message and we reflect on this in our classes with our teachers. Although we cannot join together in the hall, this is a very important time for us to be close to Jesus as our week in school begins.

Mental Health Day in Y1

Saturday, 10 October 2020

Emmaus CMAC
St Philip's Catholic Primary School Ofsted
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