
The end of term Mass

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Father Damian and the children from Year 5 and Year 6 led us in a wonderful end of term Mass this morning in school. We learnt all about how we can be more like Joseph and listen when God speaks to us, just like Joseph did when he learnt that the baby Jesus was to born to Mary and had been conceived by the Holy Spirit.

Our readers read with great clarity and the children, including our school choir, all sang beautifully. It was a special and spiritual manner to finish our term in school and continue to prepare for the celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus.

KS2 Carol Concert

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

We were treated to a sensational Carol Concert today by our KS2 children.

The greatest story ever told, the story of the birth of Jesus, was told through traditional and modern carols, drama and scripture. It was a wonderful event and thank you to all of the parents, carers and family members who came along.

Well done children and teachers on such a great concert.

B-Tales Christmas production - Shine

Monday, 16 December 2019

We were absolutely delighted to welcome the super B-Tales into school today to share their 2019 production, Shine.

Shine was based on the parable of the talents and we were reminded that our talents are God given and that we should let them shine for all of the world to see!

The children not only had a fantastic time during the performance, but they are also now ready to let the God given talents shine brightly over Christmas!

Thank you to B-Tales for such a brilliant performance.

KS1 Nativity performance

Monday, 16 December 2019

Thank you to Year 1 and Year 2 who shared their 2019 Nativity performance  – The Little Angel Gets Her Wings.

The performance was magnificent as the children had learnt their lines, songs and actions so well. They also brought the performance to life in their fantastic costumes.

Thank you to all of the parents who came along to hear the most important story ever told – the birth of Jesus. Thank you parents also for helping to provide costumes and support your children to learn their parts so well. Well done children, we were all very proud of you!

School choir visit Holmepark

Friday, 13 December 2019

In a busy week for our school choir, today they performed Christmas Carols for the residents of Holempark Residential Home.

The children performed brilliantly and the residents were delighted to hear them.

Well done children

British Values - Democracy focus

Friday, 13 December 2019

We have had a very exciting week in school learning all about the fundamental British Value of Democracy as the country prepared for the General Election.

We have learnt about the importance of democracy and how we all have a say in how our country is ruled. As well as this, we focussed on the UK General Election and Year 5 and Year 6 treated us to a superb ‘Polictical Broadcast’ assembly this morning where our children displayed banners, slogans and read out persuasive speeches for the changes their party would make to the country. Following this, in each class the children voted for who they felt had been the most persuasive. It was very tight with with each party receiving many votes. With 80 votes, the labour party were victorious.

Well done to all of the children who have taken part in our British Values week so well, and especially to Year 5 and Year 6 for their incredible speeches. You made us all very proud.

Many of the children were inspired this week and we could have a future Prime Minister from St Philip’s!

Christmas lunch 2019

Friday, 13 December 2019

On Thursday we joined together as a school community to enjoy Christmas lunch together.

The tables were decorated, the children pulled crackers, told jokes and were served by the adults during a very busy lunchtime!

The children enjoyed this very special experience (and of course the lovely food!).

Lord Mayor's Show 2019

Friday, 13 December 2019

Our school choir gave a fantastic account of themselves after being invited to perform at the annual Lord Mayor’s show on Saturday 7th December.

The children learnt the carols well and were very excited to be able to perform at the Town Hall. Well done children, you make us proud each day!

Thank you also to the children, parents and Mrs Eaton who attended on Saturday evening.

EYFS Nativity

Friday, 13 December 2019

Our youngest children in school performed superbly well on Thursday 12th December during their Nativity performance. They looked great in their costumes and learnt their actions and song words well to lead us all through the Christmas story.

Well done children and thank you to all of the parents who came to watch!

Violin Concert

Monday, 9 December 2019

Some of our extremely talented children from Year 3 and 4 treated us to a fantastic violin concert this afternoon in school. Under the guidance of Mrs Masters, the children demonstrated just how much progress that they have made over the past term to be able to join in with a variety of songs – including an Ed Sheeran track!

Well done children, we’re all extremely proud of you and look forward to your next concert!


“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” St Catherine of Siena

First week of Advent

Saturday, 7 December 2019

We have been incredibly busy in school at the start of the new Liturgical year. Year 1 led us in a lovely Mass to celebrate the first week of Advent, and our fantastic mission team prepared and led our merit assembly on Friday with the key message to ‘get ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus and prepare for the unexpected time when he will return again.’


Thank you children for delivering this message so well as we will continue our Advent journey.

St Philip Neri – Pray for us

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