
Reception parents' RML workshop

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Thank you to all of the parents who came to school on Tuesday 22nd October for our RML workshop to introduce our newest parents to our reading programme. We hope that you enjoyed the workshop and if you would like any further information on supporting your child at home please contact us at school.

Year 1

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Year 1 were the latest class to host a parent workshop in school last week. Thank you to all of the parents who came into school to learn not only about the activities that the children have taken part in during their ‘All About Me’ topic, but to also hear more about the transition into Year 1 from Reception class. There will be further parent workshops coming soon!

Wednesday child and parent reading morning

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

We have been delighted with the amount of parents who have joined their children each Wednesday morning from 8:40-8:55am to read with their children. Thank you so much for taking the time on a busy morning to come in to school and support this initiative. If you have not managed to do so yet, please try and join us to read with your child if at all possible. Thankyou for your support.

Black History Month Assembly

Monday, 21 October 2019

On Friday18th October, we joined together as a school community to showcase the learning that we have taken part in during Black History Month 2019.

The children shared some of the excellent activities that they have taken part in and demonstrated a wide breadth of knowledge about this hugely important month.

The children have learnt about icons such as Barack Obama, Rosa Parks, Joe Fraser and Benjamin Zephaniah.

Well done children for such an informative assembly, and thank you to the parents who joined us.

Reception parent workshop

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Reception were the latest class to host a parent curriculum workshop to celebrate their learning in autumn 1.

It was wonderful to see so many parents attend to hear about the learning that has been taking place in Reception class during their ‘All About Me’ focus.

Each class will host a termly parent workshop to share and celebrate their learning in all areas of the curriculum.

The Canonisation of St John Henry Newman

Thursday, 17 October 2019

During Monday’s assembly, Mrs Hinton led us in celebrating the Canonisation of St John Henry Newman! We learnt about the incredibly faithful and interesting life of St John Henry Newman and thought about how we can be inspired by his mission in our own lives. During this week we will also dedicate time within our classes to develop our learning further as we continue to celebrate this event.

St John Henry Newman – Pray for us.

Harvest Mass and Celebration of the Canonisation of St John Henry Newman

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

On Sunday 13th October, we joined together as a Parish at St Philip Neri Catholic Church to celebrate our Harvest Mass. Thank you to Father Damien for celebrating such a

beautiful Mass with us and for the generous donations of food that we will donate the Brushtrokes this week. Our children also read with reverence and confidence.

Sunday was also an extremely special day as we celebrated the Canonisation of St John Henry Newman! During this week we will dedicate lessons and assemblies to celebrating this

incredible event and learning more about the life of our local Saint.

St Philip Neri – Pray for us.

St John Henry Newman – Pray for us.

Invitation to Pray with Archbishop Bernard

Friday, 11 October 2019

On Wednesday 9th October, we joined together as an Arch Diocese to pray with Archbishop Bernard. As October is the Extraordinary Missionary Month and the month dedicated to the Holy Rosary, we prayed the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary. It was a very spiritual experience that we shared together in school and with the rest of the Arch Diocese.

Harvest Assembly

Friday, 11 October 2019

Thank you to Mrs Gibbons who led a wonderful and informative assembly to inform us of the great work of Brushstokes in our local community. We will be donating our Harvest offerings to Brushstokes to support their mission as part of our Harvest almsgiving. As well as this, we will join together with the Parish on Sunday to celebrate our Harvest Mass at St Philip Neri Catholic Church.

WOW Walk to school challenge

Thursday, 10 October 2019

On Monday 7th October, we were joined in assembly by a representative from the WOW Walk to School Challenge team as we launched this initiative at school.

We learnt about the many benefits of safely walking to school throughout the week – such as health and well being, and learning valuable road safety rules.

Children were offered the chance to become WOW monitors to provide feedback on which of their classmates walk to school during this month.

There will be badges and certificates for those children who walk to school regularly. Give it go if you can, children!

Parent and Child Reading Sessions

Friday, 4 October 2019

Parents, today you will receive a letter inviting you into school each Wednesday morning to read or share a story with your child from 8:40am – 8:50am starting from Wednesday 9th October.

We believe that this initiative will not only support our children with reading, but will also enable us as a school community to share in the love of reading.

Further details and ‘top tips for reading at home’ are contained within the letter that your child will receive today.

We hope to see you on Wednesday morning!

National Poetry Day

Friday, 4 October 2019

On Thursday 3rd October, we celebrated National Poetry Day 2019!

Throughout school our children joined in a variety of activities to celebrate poetry. From reciting to writing the children enjoyed the opportunity to learn some poems from our best loved poets.

On Monday, we also launched a poetry competition for children in each class to write their own poems – the winners will be announced during this coming Monday’s assembly!

Y3 Healthy Eating Workshop

Friday, 4 October 2019

On Thursday 3rd October, Y3 took part in a Healthy Eating workshop to enrich their topic of World Foods. The children learnt about the importance of healthy ingredients and about where our foods come from.

We were lucky to welcome Zac from Little Bangla who showed us all about the healthy and fresh ingredients used in onion bhajis – and we were all delighted to try them! Thank you, Zac!

Thank you also to the parents who visited school for this workshop which the children thoroughly enjoyed taking part in.

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